The lifeblood of any radio station is the ability to get out to the public. For years radio stations have used promotional vehicles festooned with logos and big colors promoting the radio station. WARM Radio knew that better than any other entity in this market. WARM had numerous vehicles for their news department. Terry McNulty used to say that WARM had news cruisers 6, 7 and 8 numbered instead of 1, 2 and 3 to give the illusion there was a fleet. Many times WARM news staff used their own cars to cover a story. WARM had vans, and two big RV type motor vehicles. One big unit came from KLIF in Dallas, Texas. Most of the news cars came from auto dealerships with trade accounts (barter for advertising) and I understand that the bigger units were bought either second hand or some sort of promotional deal was cut to paint and style them. WARM made a splash and presence everywhere it went. WARM Radio coined the term "making tracks."
The lifeblood of any radio station is the ability to get out to the public. For years radio stations have used promotional vehicles festooned with logos and big colors promoting the radio station. WARM Radio knew that better than any other entity in this market. WARM had numerous vehicles for their news department. Terry McNulty used to say that WARM had news cruisers 6, 7 and 8 numbered instead of 1, 2 and 3 to give the illusion there was a fleet. Many times WARM news staff used their own cars to cover a story. WARM had vans, and two big RV type motor vehicles. One big unit came from KLIF in Dallas, Texas. Most of the news cars came from auto dealerships with trade accounts (barter for advertising) and I understand that the bigger units were bought either second hand or some sort of promotional deal was cut to paint and style them. WARM made a splash and presence everywhere it went. WARM Radio coined the term "making tracks."