If you were a kid in the 50, 60s and 70s, and you were hoping for a snow day, WARM, the Mighty 590 was where you needed to be. WARM had posters in all of the schools in Northeastern Pennsylvania telling you to tune in for school closings in case of inclement weather. In the old days, there were storms. And schools rarely closed. Even with 6 inches, you went to school. It wasn't until the 80s that school closings happened with less than 3 inches of snow. There were no morning TV newscasts, no weathermen with degrees who took every storm seriously as an atomic energy project, no doppler radar and no TV screen crawls. WARM was it and they milked Operation Snowflake for all it was worth. Informing the public was the mission, but as always, WARM used it as an audience and revenue builder. With the cold temperatures of the past week, Operation Snowflake came to mind as well as Simon and Garfunkel's "Hazy Shade of Winter."
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