Good friend and old Radio guy Scott Sanfillippo shot me a message on FaceBook asking whether there were two "Ballads of WARMland". Here's what he wrote on his blog:
Those who live in the Wilkes-Barre / Scranton area of northeast Pennsylvania will remember WARM 590 radio. It had a very rich history during its heyday and unfortunately was left hung out to die on its own by its license holder, Citadel Broadcasting. Dave Yonki, who I happened to work with at WARD AM several years ago, maintains a blog called “590 Forever WARM Radio. ” I’m going to have to put a shout out to Dave to see if he can help with this bit of WARM trivia. While cleaning my office today, I discovered an old 45-LP that I picked up several years back but never played. It’s contains the Ballad of WARMland, a station promotional jingle, on one side and a commercial for the old Stop N Go drive-in restaurants on the other. I became confused as it started to play, as it was not the Ballad of WARMland that I have heard over the years. The one on this record was a PAMS jingle and sung by Terri Lee.
So which is the real Ballad of WARMland?
Here's Scott's blog link by the way.
I told Scott that I thought the one by Terri Lee was the one that was sold or given away at the old Stop 'N Go fast food joints and thought the second one, with more lush arrangements was the second recording. The latter was used on the fine WVIA TV Documentary. If there are any old WARM employees out there, weigh in on this. Here are the two courtesy of Scott:
I think this was the original. Here's the second one released later.
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