WARM Radio seems to be back on the air after a few days of not being there. The new owners, Cumulus Broadcasting seem to be paying less attention to the frequency since they canned Phil Gallaso, a superb engineer who kept the station percolating. WARM's transmitter has always been a bone of contention in recent years. After a few days of static, it was good news to have WARM back on the air with the True Oldies Channel.
Political analyst for WBRE TV's Pa. Live program and post election commentator for WBRE TV's Eyewitness News Daybreak show. Author of the book "A Radio Story/We Wish You Well In Your Future Endeavors" and "Leges Vitae" "26 Rules of Life" and the new novel, "Weather Or Knot". The blog editor also writes various news articles and columns as well as upcoming literary projects. The blog editor was a frequent guest on WYOU TV'S INTERACTIVE NEWSCASTS when political issues were discussed on the national, state and local level. Yonki was a weekly panelist on WYLN TV 35's Friday Topic A program. He also appeared on the Hazleton, PA. station on Election Night doing coverage and did special projects and stories for WYLN TV 35's 10PM Newscast "Late Edition".